Publication links
These notes/animations accompany exhibitions or print articles. Unreferenced items await publication of the relevant piece.
- 4 Brick problem
- 4 Means
- 6403 notes
- Alan Beardon’s problem (EXTRA7) Mathematics Teaching 7/2014
- Counting strip sequences
- Cylinder cone Mathematics Teaching 3/2014 A technical (drawing) question
- Cylinder cone
- Coxeter’s cake (EXTRA1) Mathematics Teaching 7/2014
- Different order of landmarks on a photograph, The Mathematics in School 11/2013
- Duisburger Mathe-Tag 11/2011
- Dynamic Geometry of Sightseeing, The (pdf)
- How long is the rope? (EXTRA 7) Mathematics Teaching 9/2014
- How-long-is-the-rope-Childrens-estimates
- Dish cloth
- Fibonominoes Mathematics Teaching 9/2009 Fibonacci spirals
- Fraction wall Mathematics Teaching 5.10 A dantzogrammatic fraction wall
- Hidden solids
- Hexagonal pyramid
- Household-geometry ATM conference 2015 Household geometry
- How many cranes?
- It’s all in the mind (EXTRA 1) Mathematics Teaching 1/2014
- Jigsaw-border
- Magic moments (EXTRA2) Mathematics Teaching 9/2014
- Map colouring polyhedra
- Mega Menger
- Not quite a tiling (EXTRA4) Mathematics Teaching 7/2014
- numbercityoblique
- numbercityplan
- numbercityannotated
- numbercityprompts
- Number tower geometry
- Paving blunder
- Pascal pictures (EXTRA 1) Mathematics Teaching 9/2009
- Pentagon triangle construction
- Pentagon decagon
- Phi powers
- Polya-Descartes Mathematics in School 9/2015 The limiting case: sublime or ridiculous?
- Primes by searchlight 1 Mathematics in School 9/2015
- Primes by searchlight 2 Mathematics in School 9/2015
- Primes by searchlight 3 Mathematics in School 9/2015
- Rep-multiple tile sets The Mathematical Gazette 3/2003
- Rhombic fans
- Rhombic fans in a string bag
- Rolling ellipses and their symmetries Mathematics in School 5/2014
- Scaling equilateral triangles discussion4 brick problem4 brick problem4 brick problem
- Scaling equilateral triangles picture
- Scimitar Puzzle, The Mathematics Teaching 3/2009
- Shoelace figure
- Snub dodecahedron
- The limiting case: sublime or ridiculous – shape chart Mathematics in School 9/2015
- Times table triangles
- Tower building
- Triangles as reptiles
- Transferring lengths
- Theodorus
- Two colour cube 1
- Two colour cube 2
- Two colour cube 3
- Wheel solutions
- Wittmann’s factoriser
- Wittmann’s factoriser blank
- trigderivatives1
- trigderivatives2
- bongard1
- bongard2
- towerparadox
- unitfractionsplit
- pascalsums
- dualpolygonringstars
- Polygon ring star notes
- Fibonomino formulas
- Fibonomino identities
- Goldbach activities
- Goldbach 1
- Goldbach 2
- Goldbach 3
- Goldbach 4
- Goldbach 6
- triangle-sequence-notes
- triangle-sequence
- Threeregulars
- (hatgrid)
- (turtlegrid)
- Interdissectible tilings
- seedcrystal
- tworepresentations
- rep-tilian-triangles
- Millington A
- Millington B
- Millington C