These are all PDF files. They refer to stations in the physical exhibition with this title. The apparatus referred to is generally shown lower down the page.
1. Descartes’ Analogy
2. Steinhaus’ toppling tetrahedron
3. Steinhaus’ Sliced Cylinder
4. The Rolling Parabola
5. Steinhaus’ Toy Cart
6. The Catenary’s Exponential Parents
7. Circle to Ellipse to Parabola
8. Ellipse to Parabola Again
9. The Dandelin Spheres
10. The One Parabola
11. Mary Boole’s Parabola
12. Parabola and Paraboloid
13. The Saddle (Hyperbolic Paraboloid)
14. The Conic Sections
15. Cylinder – Hyperboloid – Cone
16. From Circle to Ellipse
17. … and Back
18. Shortest Paths on the Sphere
19. Shortest Paths on the Cylinder
20. Shortest Paths on the Cone
21. Helix and Helicoid
22. Catenary and Catenoid: C. V. Boys’ Experiment
23. Equiangular Spiral and Loxodrome
24. Courant’s Shrinking Bubble
25. Monge’s 3-D Analogue
26. Archimedes’ Sphere – Cone – Cylinder
27. Galileo’s Parabola
28. Ellipse to Hyperbola
29. Parabola No. 10